Jun 10, 2009

Simple easy quick Italian recipes: Let the Pandemic news go down with a Bang a Simple Margarita

Shake off the probable news of H1N1 being declared a Pandemic


Very easy simple and cheap Margarita to lighten your day.
Serves 2

Ingredients: 4cl of lemon juice, 4cl of Cointreau and 8cl of tequila

In a shaker mix together the ingredients, and shake well.
Suggestion is instead of lemon you can use pineapple.
Serve for glass decorations please come back later I will find you all the secrets of glass decorations to make your Margarita even more appealing and not only!


سامح العروسي said...

For the first time I have visited your blog and just wanted to register my admiration and deep tears n Regards Egyptian blogger / Sameh Laroussi

Mary said...

Hello Sameh,
thanks a lot!