Jun 10, 2009

Simple easy quick Italian recipes:Grandma's cake recipe to help you forget about recession

A real simple healthy Italian cake in time of recession
Grandma's cake recipe to help you forget about recession. This recipe is from Romagna area in Italy. I'm not saying nice things about Romagna because Im a citizen there but because this area people love good food and staying healthy.

Here you go:
Beat recession like this


500 gr. flour
300 gr. sugar
200 gr. butter
3 eggs, a glass of milk,
15 g of baking powder
grated lemon rind

Italian simple cake
Mix the flour and butter, eggs, sugar and enough milk. Then add the baking powder and lemon rind. Prepare the oven plate with butter and put in the mixture.
After it is ready in oven plate decorate with beaten egg yellow plus sugar grain. Cook in the oven not very hot at around 170° for around half an hour.
This cake is easy simple and yummy tasty delicious and everyone in the family will definitely love

Please as soon as you get good results you can try different variations of cocoa or chocolate pieces, pieces of apple or even raisins.
Promise me to send in the pictures of the results you get.
I will be posting mine here soon.

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