Feb 8, 2008

Snap mortgage deals quickly

Commercial Mortgage advisers are advising homeowners to act quickly if they see a good mortgage deal this is because deals are being withdrawn from the market at a short notice.
Examples like Halifax where the bank offered a two year tracker rate which was 0.11 per cent lower than the base rate and according to finance markets 48 hours later it was withdrawn.

In other related news buy to let boom has reportedly pushed up costs by average of £14,000 according to National house planning advice unit.

In a period like this with credit crunch being felt in every corner it is the time to grab what good deal you think it fits your pocket. As you follow my blog learn new recipes and your idea is to have a bigger house with your kitchen and or you dream of opening a small restaurant down the corner of your street keep watching new deals and ideas from Commercial Mortgage could be your eye opener.

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