Dec 3, 2008

Cook Italian with Jamie Oliver

A year ago I was in a small town of Rimnicu Valcea in Romania. Was there because my husband was working for a project where they built homes for children from the orphanages. While my husband went to work and my son to school I stayed home where I volunteered with for villages in developing countries and I never for any reason missed a cooking show with Jamie Oliver

Some of Jamie Oliver's recipes I took salads, Jamie Oliver's chicken cooked in milk with sage and lemon.
This is not all I have from over a year ago Jamie Oliver TV show I used to watch there was the Dolce he used Panettone and baked in the oven I still have that picture in my head.
Now, I moved continents Im in Bangkok and do not watch Jamie Oliver anymore.

Please have a look at this simple recipe here especially in those countries that is cold this would be perfect Jamie Oliver ribollita

Good food easy to cook

1 comment:

Penang Tua Pui said...

I am fans of Jamie... love the way he cook....