Sep 7, 2008

Wedding daze lasagna: A romantic recipe from Italy

Lasagne: making of the lasagne

From the last lasagne post we saw the rolling of the dough into thin sheets.
Next step is to put water in a big pot on the fire to boil, add some salt.


The next step is to put these lasagne sheets to boil for around 2 minutes.


After which the lasagne sheets are ready to be removed from boiling water and


and the lasagne sheets go to cold water


From the cold water the lasagne sheets go to the table where I have big table cloth where the lasagne sheets will dry a little bit while I move to the next stage.

Next stage is the besciamel and setting and on the table we go!


Anonymous said...

Hi, I like your recipes! Im experimenting with my lasagne and you have given me a few ideas :)

Mary said...

Hi Matt,

nice to hear that my ideas (cooking) is helping many people eat nice home cooked Italian meal.
Let me know how your lasagne goes!
Keep trying. I have never used the lasagne sheets sold in the shops always made fresh, and Im telling you it is an experience as lasagne is one of the Italian meals I can make wherever I am, since I'm nomadic..