Sep 5, 2008

Wedding daze lasagna: A romantic recipe from Italy

Home made Lasagna basics fresh and tasty for you to try

I have a small space in the kitchen but it does not mean Im not able to cook anything I desire: Now the lasagne we are going to make is for around 4 or 5 people in my kitchen it is 4 people because we love this yummy lasagne and so we have good forks (like they say in Italy 'una bella forchetta' ) someone who can eat good quantity because the food is extra yummy.

We take 3 eggs and 300g of wheat flour, as you see in my picture atleast I do not weigh anymore I just estimate with my eyes also you after you make this lasagne a couple of time you do not have to weigh all the time.


This is the picture to show you the mixture of the flour and eggs. All you need to do to get to the next step of your simple and easy lasagne is to mix with your hands.


After a hard work you see we have a dough. You need to work the dough a lot. My teacher an Italian mom of a friend told me when I make this dough and press it with a thumb slowly it comes up. Then I know my dough is ready.

Note: At this stage your lasagne is nearer than ever, wrap this dough with kitchen (I use cellophane- I im not sure how you call it in your country) for about 30 minutes.


After which now since i have small working space I cut into small balls and roll very very thin sheets (transparent) like in the picture below.
Stay tuned for the next step of lasagne making lesson:


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