Dec 17, 2007

italian ham: from the shop to the table

italian ham: from the shop to the table its as easy as abc, no cooking no sweating just eating and eating
To add some colour to your table this Christmas the italian simple recipes presents an idea of how you can serve some of the ham you bought the other day and now it's lying in the fridge.
By the way I will be mixing some italian words for you to learn how to call some of the basic ingredients in Italian.
General name for ham is Prosciutto. But then you find there are different types of hams, boiled, smoked, raw etc.

When serving your ham, remember to add some fashion to it, makes it interesting.
Note: the bread to accompany our ham and cheese here is home-made.
Easy, I have used flour, yeast, salt and olive oil. I get dry yeast here which is in sachets weighing I think 11g. Mix that with a 900g of flour add salt and olive oil. I add enough water to make a dough which I cover with a kitchen cloth for about 2 hours to rise. Then I work it, into forms that I want put it into the container that I will use in the oven, I leave it to rise again. Then goes into the oven.

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