Nov 10, 2007

Left-overs oh! Not me. Is this you?

I'm sure many people they get sick when they think of left-over food. But come to think of it, you make pizza and you are not able to finish it all. You are a busy working Mom and there is no way you will make it into making pizza every 2 days during the week. You can opt to organise yourself this way. Make extra pizza and free some of it for another day in the week.

You can make all your food for the week and freeze, let's be practical Italy is the land of Pizza right? But do you think that supermarkets are not full of frozen pizza that you just microwave or oven heat? Yes, they are. So if you can make your own home made pizza and lasagne and any other food and freeze don't you think it can save you working families the madness of Monday to Friday dinners?
Think about it.
Love your left over pizza, lasagne.


Carla said...

Oh, it.s early in the morning and seeing your pictures make me feel: I WANT food, especially lasagna or pizza. You are right, left overs can be froozen and used later on. We also do that. It.s a shame to trow it away. In weekend I cook and mostly a lot, so we can freeze a lot. During the week I come home late fromw work, mostly not to hungry anymore and my boyfriend then can make something from the freezer.

Mary said...

Hi Carla,
I think this is the best option for working families. I would really advice many families out there to try it.

Karin W. said...

Well, I hate to waste food.
It is like throwing away money. But using leftovers not only save us money... in a way it also helps save our planet.

Mary said...

Hi Karin,
You are right and it's nice to hear this. I hope many people will borrow from this discussion.
Keep your views coming readers

Anonymous said...

This is excellent advice. I dislike wasting. I love leftovers! At times I make batches of food at a time. I freeze what I don't use and pull my homemade frozen meal out when I don't have time to prepare a meal.

Mary said...

Hi Opal,
this is a good idea. it saves time when you are in hurry and a thousand things to do.
Great to hear these views.