Apr 11, 2010

Family Fun

I'm not an eating out person as you can see in this blog I love to cook and spend most dinners home. But, looking at the community today for most of you who have to lunch out I bet that some of you out there think of a quick meal or quick snacks.
But, guess what most professional marketers know that especially the young people tend to spend lot's of money in fast foods than they spend in movies,sports or any other kind of activity. So,come to think of it they fast food professional marketers are targeting your money otherwise how would recession never get to fast food chains.Their interest is to persuade to buy the foods they sell.
So, how do these fast food bet on your pocket money dollars? Simply by offering large portions so that when you buy you feel like it is the value for your money. Have you been able to watch super-size me? please do. This will give you an idea of what you cash in with that super size.

Then ask yourself is bigger better?
what is your answer? Why would you let the fast food professionals take advantage of you? Let them profit from you?
If we all took a minute to think about all the value for money versus the value for quality I bet the fast food will make less profit and you will be healthier.
I'm for an idea of a fast food serving healthy food thinking of my customers as my family and this way we all benefit from each other.
Next time you bet your dollar think how.
This blog is full of Italian recipes you can easily make at home. Just take some time.

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