Jul 31, 2007


My basil:
Easily cultivated anywhere, even in small vases. Needs a lot of water and light
and when you have extra of it you can either dry it or freeze it for later use.

Its uses
one of the widely used aromatic plant in the kitchen for its flavour in salads, sauces, soups, meat etc

In Italy it is famous for its Genoa Sauce called Pesto. Most widely used in Italian recipes.

Other uses of this plant are: it can be used against mosquitoes, and has many therapeutic effects.

We are going to look in the near future some simple recipes that can use this plant. Come back soon! Everyday!

1 comment:

Gretel said...

Oh what healthy leaves! I had a few pots of basil which were coming on really well, but with all the rain we've had they look like the very poor (and half dead) relations of your beautiful plants here.